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Qualitative Research
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Analyzing Qualitative Data
Action Protocol
Extended illness or injury to PI
Both Daniel and Cathy are named in the project and consent forms. The time-line for collection is short.
Postponement of analysis and writing of materials will not impact on participants.
Renewal of consent
Participants have been given choices and options around their data.
Transparency of project aims and clear documentation
The project seeks to draw from a wide range of disciplines and type of research context and draw out some common themes and potential hypotheses. Given that the project seeks narrative there is a medium degree of likelihood that third parties may think they recognise themselves in stories, but there will be no confirming personal data from which others can corroborate their belief.
The context of the stories is likely to be one of lessons learned and perceived personal impact so the potential of harm or embarrassment to 3rd parties is assessed to be low.
Threat to anonymity of third parties who have not consented to involvement in this project.
Causing more than minimal stress or harm to third parties who have not consented to involvement in this project.
Anonymity will be discussed at the end of the interview.
Transcripts are being returned to participants with specific invitation to consider this risk.
Transcript return form allows for further discussion with participants and agreed actions. These could include context changes as a preference, with redaction being a final possibility.
Giving incorrect advice.
As experienced researchers, interviewers are mindful of their areas of expertise and the limits thereof.
Sign-posting to appropriate individuals and sources. Any advice given should be recorded on Interview Summary sheets, in addition to capture on interview recording.
Requests for advice are unlikely, given that participants are mostly established researchers. Even so, it would be inappropriate to deny perceived requests for advice, but the researcher will be mindful of the limits of their expertise, and the appropriateness (or otherwise) of the level of their response in an interview context. The risk of any advice being incorrect is therefore low.
Given that the research will be cyber-mediated (i.e. interviews via the web), threats to anonymity occur in multiple domains; that which cannot be seen without significant cyber skills (either legal or illegal), that which can be compared across platforms, such as discussion fora or published articles, and that which can be found in transcript text and narrative. As we will be gathering stories, there is much context from which to identify participants. (British Psychological Society, 2017)
Linking of data sets:
Cyber traces
Content online
Narrative content
There will be no cyber background traces to be cross-linked or interrogated as recordings will not be released.
As this is primary data, as any stories will be difficult to cross link to other areas of the web without direct quotes.
There a risk of identification because of stories they may share with students.
Dates will be avoided, and named individuals, places, organisations and projects will either be changed or redacted. Other identifying characteristics will be specifically noted as they are encountered.
Harm or distress
Any potential harm as a result of breach of anonymity is assessed as low as the focus of the project is the self-selected personal narrative of experienced professionals.
Whilst the research topic itself is not sensitive, it is possible that participants may experience some upset as they recall incidents from their past, especially but not limited to those whose research areas are sensitive.
Participants will have had more than one opportunity to consider what, if anything they wish to redact. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate wishes of participants even after the unconditional withdrawal date has passed.
Both interviewers are experienced with potentially distressing topics and acknowledge that triggers can appear in unlikely places. Interview summary form will include a prompt to cover triggers with participants.