analysis Using Quirkos for Systematic Reviews and Evidence Synthesis Most of the examples the blog has covered so far have been about using Quirkos for research, especially with interview and participant text sources. However, Quirkos can take any text source you can open on your computer, including text PDFs
process Getting a foot in the door with qualitative research A quick look at the British Library thesis catalogue suggests that around 800 theses are completed every year in the UK using qualitative methods*. This suggests that 7% of the roughly 10,000 annual British PhDs completed use qualitative methods. There are likely to be many more
analysis Knowing your customers As consumers, it feels like we are bombarded more than ever with opportunities for providing feedback on products and services. While shopping on-line, or even when browsing BBC News we are asked to complete a short questionnaire
qualitative analysis software Paper vs. computer assisted qualitative analysis I recently read a great paper by Rettie et al. (2008) which, although based on a small sample size, found that only 9% of UK market research organisations doing qualitative research were using software
methods Evaluating feedback We all know the score: you attend a conference, business event, or training workshop, and at the end of the day you get a little form asking you to evaluate your experience. You can rate the speakers, venue, lunch and parking
analysis Top-down or bottom-up qualitative coding? In framework analysis, sometimes described as a top-down or 'a-priori' approach, the researcher decides on the topics of interest they will look for before they start the analysis, usually based on a theory they are looking to test. In inductive coding the researcher takes a more bottom-up approach
analysis Participatory analysis: closing the loop In participatory research, we try to get away from the idea of researchers doing research on people, and move to a model where they are conducting research with people. The movement comes partly from feminist critiques of epistemology, attacking the pervasive notion that
methods 10 tips for semi-structured qualitative interviewing Many qualitative researchers spend a lot of time interviewing participants, so here are some quick tips to make interviews go as smooth as possible: before, during and after! 1. Let your participants choose the location. If you want your interviewees to be comfortable
methods An overview of qualitative methods There are a lot of different ways to collect qualitative data, and this article just provides a brief summary of some of the main methods used in qualitative research. Each one is an art in its own right, with various different techniques, definitions, approaches and proponents
process Why qualitative research? There are lies, damn lies, and statistics. It’s easy to knock statistics for being misleading, or even misused to support spurious findings. In fact, there seems to be a growing backlash at the automatic way that significance tests in scientific papers are assumed
process What is a Qualitative approach? The benefit of having tastier satsumas is difficult to quantify: to turn into a numerical, comparable value. This is essentially what qualitative work does: measure the unquantifiable quality of something. Just don’t ask what we mean by Quality