Quirkos Web - July 2024 Updates!

Quirkos Web - July 2024 Updates!

We've just made a buck of improvements to Quirkos Web - our simple qualitative software tool that works directly in your browser.

The biggest new feature is the Merge functionality, allowing you to easily merge one or more projects together. This helps working with team-members who are offline, or working on separate sources, but makes managing multiple projects much easier.

Most noticeable will be improvements to scaling of the canvas area, so your bubbles will not get cutoff as you resize the text column. We've also improved the pop-out functionality for nested subcategories, so they are easier to use and code to, and navigate across the canvas.

In the chat area, you can now see the author and timestamp for each of the entries, making it much more useful as a research journal, and letting you see when posts were made. There are also a bunch of minor bug fixes and tweaks, so if there is something annoying you, or you've and idea for something new, let us know!

However, the biggest change we've made to coding in Quirkos in a decade is also now live - in addition to coding by dragging and dropping onto a code, you can now click to code! Just select a section of text, and then click on some codes and it will get added to them! This makes it way easier if you find drag/dropping difficult or tediuous when you want to code text to multiple codes. But it also is much easier for Safari users who have had issues with recent versions of macOS where drag and drop has become glitchy.

Selecting text, and clicking on bubbles to code to them

We really help this is going to make Quirkos much more accessible to everyone, and as ever let us know if you have any suggestions or ideas you'd like to see in Quirkos, and try it out for free here!
