Quirkos 2.3 with live team work is here!
We are excited to release Quirkos 2.3 to the world today! The biggest additions are project sharing, live collaboration and chat features for Quirkos Cloud users. This allows seamless and interactive team work

We are excited to release Quirkos 2.3 to the world today!
The biggest additions are project sharing, live collaboration and chat features for Quirkos Cloud users. This allows seamless and interactive team work, where researchers anywhere in the world can share a qualitative research project and work together or in their own time, with space to communicate and reflect on the process through chat. This is a pretty unique feature for qualitative analysis software, we’ve not seen anything like it, but it is so important to instantly communicate while working on a project together.
Users of Quirkos Cloud can now log into your account management page on any web-browser, view the list of your projects, and note an new ‘share’ button that lets you enter the email address of another Quirkos Cloud user to give them read or write access to the project. It’s as easy as that, and you can control and change users access rights from here, with instant effect. Each user will need to have their own active Quirkos Cloud account, but there is no limit to the number of projects each person can have or share, or the number of collaborators on a project.

We know this is something that teams of qualitative researchers have been asking for a long time, and has taken a lot of work to get right. But the colourful and engaging user interface for Quirkos makes for a fantastic space to play and work with qualitative data. Working live with other people - seeing their updates instantly in real-time, is a game-changer for those who can’t always work in the same place. As with all our projects stored in Quirkos Cloud, your work is available on any computer you login to, so your most recent version is always at your fingertips, secured and backed up for you.
This is another release that has seen a lot of work behind the scenes. We’ve been testing everything to make sure that having multiple users on one project in different parts of the world is as quick and seamless as if you were working on qualitative data in the same room. But offline users are not left-out either, the chat feature will appear in the bottom right of all your projects, and can be used to keep project-wide memos, or a journal of your own analytical journey through the project.
There are also a couple of minor bug fixes, including:
- Fixed issue where offline projects would sometimes give a ‘connection lost’ message
- Fixed occasional ‘jumping’ of Quirks when being moved on the canvas
- Fixed a glitch where structured question projects would have question titles overlap the memo column
You can see an overview of how the collaboration works in the video overview below:
As always, this is a free update, which retails forward and backward compatibility, and is identical and immediately available for Windows, Mac and Linux.
If you spot any issues, or have ideas for improvements, please let us know! Our next minor release aims to do a lot of polish to the user experience to make working with sources and Quirks even smoother. You can download Quirkos 2.3 from our download page, and get a free trial of the cloud version for 14 days. Find a friend or collaborator and try out the project sharing today!