Learning to do Qualitative Research? You don't have to be alone!

why not try our Guided Group programme Resources for Learning Qualitative Research. It has some advantages that other online courses and MOOCs do not, whilst maintaining the advantage of having personalised support for your learning.

Learning to do Qualitative Research? You don't have to be alone!

Earlier this year we launched our online course Doing Qualitative Research, which is a self-guided, anytime, anywhere free resource. Now we are offering a tutor-guided group course that will run over two weeks. This course is focused on doing qualitative research, not learning how to use our software.

Resources for Learning Qualitative Research

Our Guided Group programme is run over 2 weeks. You will have one 2-hour webinar at the beginning of the programme and another at the end. Between these is self-directed engagement with the course materials and course participants as you need. It's perfect if you are just starting out in qualitative research, or have a particular area (like analysis or a pending ethics application) you want to focus on. The guided sessions work like this:

Webinar 1

  • A guided introduction to Doing Qualitative Research with extra material to help you navigate and choose what you want to engage with
  • Advice on how to engage asynchronously with with course materials and peer discussions

Asynchronous activity

  • Work through the materials in your own time over the two weeks, checking back in via chat with peers and tutor if you have any queries. Followed by:

Webinar 2

  • Reflections on learning
  • Troubleshooting difficult qualitative concepts and designs
  • What next with qualitative research? What next with Quirkos?

Advantages over other online courses or MOOCs

  • It's free! There's no hidden elements that are only available for a fee
  • Personalised evaluation of your learning needs
  • Direct access to the course author
  • Materials include real 'behind-the-scenes' examples of things like consent forms and analysed data, and example data-sets
  • No forcing you to watch or click on something before you can continue on the course
  • No telling you that you must do this part of the course, before you do the other
  • No limited release of materials based on successful completion of previous elements

If the session is popular we will run it again, so if you can't make this one, do sign up for our blog for more notifications, and remember all the qualitative learning resources are available for free any time!

Sign up for the session here!

Start (Webinar 1) Oct 29th 3-4pm GMT

Finish (Webinar 2) Nov 12th 3-4pm GMT

This is not a course on how to use Quirkos. If you want to learn how to use Quirkos start here

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