How to cite Quirkos materials

We’ve shown you how to cite Quirkos software in our FAQs. However, having launched our free qualitative research course, we realised we have lots of types of material that have different ways of being cited. So here is a guide to citing different types of Quirkos materials.
Citing Quirkos software
To cite the Quirkos software tool itself (using APA style) the generic format is:
Title and version [Computer Software]. (Year of release). Retrieved from URL
This gives:
Quirkos 2.5.3 [Computer Software]. (2023). Retrieved from
Keeping citation simple
Citing and referencing can be fiendishly intricate, and take up a lot of time. If you are struggling, remember, the underlying principle of citing and referencing is to enable verification of your sources; i.e. there should be enough information for others to find and access the material to which you are referring.
We usually cite material along simple lines, largely based on APA, (a Harvard-style, rather than a numbering system). In the narrative of our blogs we use what is known as an in-text citation format which has been relatively consistent. Narrative citation: Jackson. (Year) and Parenthetical citation: (Jackson, Year). Page numbers are only if used for a direct quote. These citations are then gathered and detailed in full at the end in a References section.
Other material that has informed our thinking has usually been referred to as Bibliography. We call it Further reading, if we think it extends thinking beyond the scope of what we have written on, or, it is something we recommend you read. Helpfully, regardless of whether you put something in the References section or a Bibliography, the style of how it is written remains the same.
The American Psychological Association (APA) style is based on the Harvard style, but it usually gives more detail, such as page number in both the in-text citation and the reference section at the end. APA is also reportedly one of the most widely used forms. So, we have decided to provide APA-style for our material. That way, you can simplify if it suits your purpose. If you have to use a more complex style, at least we’ve provided you with plenty of information to build an appropriate reference.
We here at Quirkos are not going to get upset if you use bold or underlines, where we have recommended italics. Nor will we get annoyed by a hanging indent, or indeed no indent. If your department’s guidelines ask for less information than we provide, go-ahead and do what your department requires of you. Just remember to be consistent with your citations in any single document. We think we’ve covered everything, but if you find some of our material that we haven’t shown how to cite, do get in touch.
Quirkos materials to reference
· Quirkos webpages and blogs
· Curated course material: Doing Qualitative Research
· YouTube content
· Webinars in Zoom
· Podcasts
· Quirkos example data sets
· Quirkos Demonstrations and Qual Cafe
Quirkos webpages and blogs
Quirkos Webpages
In-text citation
- Parenthetical citations: (Organisation, Year of Publication)
(Quirkos, 2023)
- Narrative citations: Channel title (Year of Publication)
Quirkos (2023)
Organisation. (Date). Title of page. [Date Accessed/Retrieved from URL]
· Quirkos. (2023). Analysing qualitative data: a guide. [Dec 30, 2024 from]
Quirkos Blog posts
This is essentially the same as a web-page citation but has named authors.
In-text citation
- Parenthetical citations: (Author, Year of Publication)
i.e. (Weisser. 2024)
- Narrative citations: Author (Year of Publication)
i.e. Weisser (2024)
Author, (Date of publication). Title. Organisation. URL
· Weisser, J. (2025, Nov 25). Beyond methodology: What is post qualitative inquiry? Quirkos.
YouTube content
In-text citation
- Parenthetical citations: (Channel title, Year of Publication)
(Quirkos. 2024)
- Narrative citations: Channel title (Year of Publication)
Quirkos (2024)
Channel. Title. (Date published). [Medium]. Platform. URL
Quirkos. (2024, June 5) Focus groups in qualitative research - tips and interview advice. [Video]. YouTube.
Quirkos' Online Curated Course Doing Qualitative Research.
In-text citation
- Parenthetical citations: (Channel title, Year of Publication)
(Gibbons, 2024)
- Narrative citations: Channel title (Year of Publication)
Gibbons (2024)
According to the APA, "Online courses, including MOOCs, can be cited by providing the instructors, year of course creation (if known), title of the course, site that hosts the course, and URL." (APA, 2020). So A simple bibliographic reference (where you are not citing anything in particular from the course) can be given as:
· Gibbons, C.A. (2024) Doing Qualitative Research.
However, if you are citing or quoting from the course content then the full URL should be given in the Reference section. E.g. If you want to cite the text or exercises around Ethics (see image below), the citation would be:
· Gibbons, C.A. (2024) Doing Qualitative Research.

Quirkos Webinars
If you have attended a webinar in support of a course, the APA (2020) advise that:
"A lecture or other content from an online course or MOOC is cited similarly to a podcast episode, with the instructor for the lecture listed in the author element of the reference and the names of all course faculty in the editor position within the source element…Provide a link that will resolve for readers."
However there is a slight difference with our course because no-one needs to log-in. Therefore you can give the full URL of the area of the course you are citing, rather than just the main page. This means you are providing a fully resolvable link for readers.
For example our Guided Group sessions on
In-text citation
- Parenthetical citations: (Tutor, Date or Span of Years of session)
(Gibbons, 2024)
- Narrative citations: Tutor (Date or Span of Years of session)
Gibbons (2024)
Name of tutor/host (Tutor/Host). (Date or Span of Years of session). Title of session. [Webinar]. Hosting platform. URL of webinar.
· Gibbons C.A. (2024 Aug 27). Resources for Learning Qualitative Research: Guided Group. [Webinar]. Cademy.
Quirkos Podcasts
In-text citation
- Parenthetical citations: (Hosts, Date aired)
(Turner, Gibbons & Weisser, 2024)
- Narrative citations: Hosts (Date aired)
Turner, Gibbons & Weisser (2024)
Names of hosts/producers. (Role). (Year, date aired). Title. (No. in series) [Type of podcast episode]. Series Title. Organisation. URL
Turner, D., Gibbons C.A., & Weisser, J. (Hosts). (2024, Oct 23). How to get qualitative research published in academic journals* (No.1). [Video podcast episode]. In Qualitative Research: Behind the Scenes. Quirkos. Https://
*Note, the episode title is not italicised or otherwise distinguished.
Quirkos example data sets
Quirkos has example data-sets for you to work with e.g. ‘qual’ which is the archived extensive data set for Qualitative Researcher Journeys project.
Advice on data sets is new to the 7th Ed of APA guidance and there is some degree of flexibility. There is no requirement to provide the URL, but in keeping with the principle of making your sources findable, we are asking you to provide the URL when you cite our data. There is no requirement to cite individual parts of the data set, such as individual interviews or coded data files. But if really want to point people to specific parts of the data set, you can add that detail in the final square parentheses.
If you cite any example data as part of your secondary analysis the citations are;
In-text citation
- Parenthetical citation: (Quirkos, 2024)
- Narrative citation: Quirkos (2024)
Quirkos. (Year of data set). [Title of data set] (numerical identifier and/or version) [Data set/codebook]. Quirkos. URL
E.g. Data from the Breakfast data set;
Quirkos. (2021). [Breakfast] (Jun6 2024; 5:36PM) [Data set]. Quirkos.
If you are citing Quirkos data from a publication, you should “cite the publication in which the data were published (e.g., a journal article, report, or webpage) rather than the data set itself.” (APA, 2020).
Materials to put in the Bibliography
Online co-working sessions
In-text citation
- Parenthetical citations: (Tutor, Date or Span of Years of session)
(Weisser, 2025)
- Narrative citations: Tutor (Date or Span of Years of session)
Weisser (2025)
Name of tutor/host (Tutor/Host). (Date or Span of Years of session). Title of session. [Online co-working space]. Hosting platform. URL of webinar.
Weisser J. (2025 Jan 29) Qualitative Café Winter 2024: Online co-working for qualitative researchers. [Online co-working space]. Cademy.
In-person session
You can treat our in-person sessions, such as software demonstrations, seminar, or conference presentations in a similar fashion. Only the format of the presentation changes.
In-text citation
- Parenthetical citations: (Tutor/Presenter/Authors, Date or Span of Years of session)
(Gibbons, 2024)
- Narrative citations: Tutor (Date or Span of Years of session)
Gibbons (2024)
Authors. (Year, date range). Title. [Title of event and xx]. Location.
Gibbons. (2025, Mar 19) Qualitative data analysis & Quirkos. [Doctoral Development Programme 23/24]. School of Education. University of Nottingham. Nottingham. UK.
Quirkos Webpages and Blogs
APA (2021, Oct) Webpage on a Website References.
Quirkos' Online Curated Course Doing Qualitative Research
APA. (2021, Oct) Online Course or MOOC References.
YouTube content
APA. (2020, Feb) YouTube Video References.
Quirkos Webinars
APA. (2020, Feb) Lecture from an online course or MOOC.
APA. (2020, Oct) 2. Podcast episode.
Quirkos example data sets
Quirkos (2024) [Workshops] [Data sets]. Quirkos.
APA. (2020, Feb) Data Set References.
Materials to put in the Bibliography
APA. (2020, Feb) Conference Presentation References.
APA. (2022, July) Personal communications.
Hopefully the information above will help you get your citations for your qualitative research formatted correctly (and so keep your supervisors and publishers happy!) Do check out all the sources of information on the website, including our expert blog on qualitative research, the free training course on qualitative methods, and the simple software tool Quirkos itself!
APA. (2023, Nov) Reference Examples.