methods Problems with quantitative polling, and answers from qualitative data The results of the US elections this week show a surprising trend: modern quantitative polling keeps failing to predict the outcome of major elections. In the UK this is nothing new, in both the 2015 general election and the EU referendum polling failed to predict the outcome
methods Tips for running effective focus groups In the last blog article I looked at some of the justifications for choosing focus groups as a method in qualitative research. This week, we will focus on some practical tips to make sure that focus groups run smoothly, and to ensure you get good engagement from your participants
methods Considering and planning for qualitative focus groups This is the first in a two-part series on focus groups. This week, we are looking at some of the why you might consider using them in a research project, and questions to make sure they are well integrated into your research strategy. Next week we will look at some practical tips
analysis Circles and feedback loops in qualitative research The best qualitative research forms an iterative loop, examining, and then re-examining. There are multiple reads of data, multiple layers of coding, and hopefully, constantly improving theory and insight into the underlying lived world
analysis Triangulation in qualitative research Qualitative methods are sometimes criticised as being subjective, based on single, unreliable sources of data. But with the exception of some case study research, most qualitative research will be designed to integrate insights from a variety of data sources
process 100 blog articles on qualitative research! Since our regular series of articles started nearly three years ago, we have clocked up 100 blog posts on a wide variety of topics in qualitative research and analysis! These are mainly short overviews
process Thinking About Me: Reflexivity in science and qualitative research Reflexivity is a process (and it should be a continuing process) of reflecting on how the researcher could be influencing a research project. In a traditional positivist research paradigm, the researcher attempts to be a neutral influence on research
methods The importance of keeping open-ended qualitative responses in surveys I once had a very interesting conversation at a MRS event with a market researcher from a major media company. He told me that they were increasingly âcosting-outâ the qualitative open-ended questions from customer surveys because they were too expensive and time consuming to analyse
analysis Analytical memos and notes in qualitative data analysis and coding There is a lot more to qualitative coding than just deciding which sections of text belong in which theme. It is a continuing, iterative and often subjective process, which can take weeks or even months. During this time, itâs almost essential to be recording your thoughts
qualitative analysis software Reflections on qualitative software from KWALON 2016 Last week saw a wonderful conference held by the the Dutch network for qualitative research KWALON, based at the Erasmus University, Rotterdam. The theme was no less than the future of Qualitative Data Analysis (QDA) software. Chair Jeanine Evers opened the session by outlining 8 important themes
qualitative analysis software Include qualitative analysis software in your qualitative courses this year A new term is just beginning, so many lecturers, professors and TAs are looking at their teaching schedule for the next year. Some will be creating new courses, or revising existing modules, wondering what to include and whatâs new. So why not include qualitative analysis software?
analysis Qualitative coding with the head and the heart In the analysis of qualitative data, it can be easy to fall in the habit of creating either very descriptive, or very general theoretical codes. Itâs often a good idea to take a step back, and examine your coding framework, challenging yourself to look at the data in a fresh way
process 10 tips for sharing and communicating qualitative research Writing up and publishing research based on qualitative or mixed methods data is one thing, but most researchers will want to go beyond this, and engage with the wider public and decision makers. This requires a different style of publication, and a different style of writing
quirkos Making qualitative analysis software accessible Studies and surveys seem to show that the amount of qualitative research is growing, and that more and more people are using software to help with their qualitative analysis (Woods et al. 2015). However, these studies also highlight that users report problems with learning qualitative software
methods Reaching saturation point in qualitative research A common question from newcomers to qualitative research is, whatâs the right sample size? How many people do I need to have in my project to get a good answer for my research questions? For research based on quantitative data, there is usually a definitive answer
quirkos Tips for managing mixed method and participant data in Quirkos and CAQDAS software Even if you are working with pure qualitative data, like interview transcripts, focus groups, diaries, research diaries or ethnography, you will probably also have some categorical data about your respondents. This might include demographic data, your own reflexive notes
analysis What actually is Grounded Theory? A brief introduction âItâs where you make up as you go along!â For a lot of students, Grounded Theory is used to describe a qualitative analytical method, where you create a coding framework on the fly, from interesting topics that emerge from the data. However, that's not really accurate. There is a lot more to it
analysis Merging and splitting themes in qualitative analysis To merge or to split qualitative codes, that is the question⊠One of the most asked questions when designing a qualitative coding structure is âHow many codes should I have?â. Itâs easy to start out a project thinking that just a few themes will cover the research questions
qualitative analysis software Using qualitative analysis software to teach critical thought Itâs a key part of the curriculum for British secondary school and American high school education to teach critical thought and analysis. Itâs a vital life skill
analysis In vivo coding and revealing life from the text Following on from the last blog post on creating weird and wonderful categories to code your qualitative data, I want to talk about an often overlooked way of creating coding topics â using direct quotes from participants to name codes or topics
analysis Turning qualitative coding on its head For the first time in ages I attended a workshop on qualitative methods, run by the wonderful Johnny Saldaña. Developing software has become a full time (and then some) occupation for me, which means I have little scope for my own professional development as a qualitative researcher
process 7 things we learned from ICQI 2016 was lucky enough to attend the ICQI 2016 conference last week in Champaign at the University of Illinois. We managed to speak to a lot of people about using Quirkos, but there were hundreds of other talks, and here are some pointers from just a few of them!
analysis Workshop exercises for participatory qualitative analysis I am really interested in engaging research participants in the research process. While there is an increasing expectation to get âlayâ researchers to set research questions, sit on review boards and even ask questions in qualitative studies
quirkos Quirkos version 1.4 is here! Itâs been a long time coming, but the latest version of Quirkos is now available, and as always itâs a free update for everyone, released simultaneously on Mac, Windows and Linux with all the new goodies! The focus of this update has been speed
analysis Top 10 qualitative research blog posts We've now got more than 70 posts on the official Quirkos blog, on lots of different aspects of qualitative research and using Quirkos in different fields. But it's now getting a bit difficult to navigate, so I wanted to do a quick recap with the 10 most popular articles